Requests for Proposals

Graphical timeline for the 2024 RFP process

Submission Milestones

oSTEM is now accepting program proposals for the 14th Annual oSTEM Conference.

Successful programs will align with oSTEM’s mission and core values: integrity, intentionality, respect, passion, and grit.

  • Friday, March 1: Request for Programming Released
  • Friday, May 31: Deadline for Submissions
  • End of June: RFP Decision Notifications

2024 Program Tracks and Updates

Based on previous feedback, oSTEM is excited to introduce three tracks for the 2024 Conference: Collegiate, Industry, and Technical Spotlight. Please read a little bit about each track in order to decide which track is best suited for your submission. All submissions are expected to be in workshop format. Workshops are defined as 1-2 speakers presenting on a program topic. All workshops are expected to be 50 minutes.

Collegiate: This track is focused for individuals who regularly interact with a student population or hold positions that are based in academia. Submissions for this track will be applicable to undergraduate, graduate, and faculty/staff positions in order to build a network of tools and resources to take back to the participant’s home institution.

Industry: This track aims to engage individuals that are currently in the workforce or are imminently prepared to enter the workforce. These topics will focus on how to better engage your employer and advocate for LGBT+ populations during your work day. This can be anecdotal accomplishments or tips on how to effectively develop a queer network in a professional setting.

Technical Spotlight: Topics for this track will be extremely focused on the highly technical aspects of the presented topic. Professionals who already belong to this field or want to appreciate the intricacies of the field. These submissions are more focused and it is expected that the audience will have foundational knowledge of the topic being discussed. For the 2024 Conference, our programs will focus on AI and Machine Learning, Research and Study Design in LGBT+ Population, and Sustainable Engineering.

Collegiate Program Topics

Presentations are required to fall within the following categories:

  1. (1) Building Inclusive Spaces on Campus
  2. (2) Addressing Challenges at the Graduate School Level
  3. (3) Owning Your Identity On and Off Campus
  4. (4) Advancing in Academia
  5. (5) Other Relevant Topics.

A description of each submission category is provided below:

Building Inclusive Spaces on Campus - Submissions in this category should be from either current students, young professionals that were involved in their oSTEM chapter at college, or current advisors of existing oSTEM Chapters. These sessions will highlight success stories on how to build a community on a college campus.

Addressing Challenges at the Graduate School Level - Programs in this category will highlight the pros and cons of continuing education. These programs will highlight the complete lifecycle of graduate studies: applying and deciding if graduate school is right for you, choosing a lab/PI, applying for funding and grants, budgeting, and how to establish professional relationships before looking for a job post-graduate.

Owning Your Identity On and Off Campus - Programs submitted in this category will describe different lived experiences in order to foster relationships outside the bubble of a college campus resource center. Workshops will explore different identities and how these identities can shape a college experience. These sessions would also encompass navigating difficult conversations with University leadership and how to make effective change on campus.

Advancing in Academia - Submissions will focus on next-steps to take when looking to stay in an academic setting. This may include but is not limited to: choosing a graduate program (PhD, JD, MD, PharmD), looking for a postdoc position, and applying for faculty positions. Other Relevant Topics - Interested in presenting something that doesn’t fit into one of these categories? That’s great! People don’t always fit neatly into a box so we don’t expect our programs to either. Feel free to submit a program that highlights STEM and queer populations in an academic setting.

Other Relevant Topics - Interested in presenting something that doesn’t fit into one of these categories? That’s great! People don’t always fit neatly into a box so we don’t expect our programs to either. Feel free to submit a program that highlights STEM and queer populations in an academic setting.

Industry Program Topics

Presentations are required to fall within the following categories:

  1. (1) Navigating the change from School to Industry
  2. (2) Developing Skills for Early to Mid-Career Success
  3. (3) Pathways to STEM as a non-STEM professional
  4. (4) DEI and Creating Inclusive Spaces at Work
  5. and (5) Other Relevant Topics.

A description of each submission category is provided below:

Navigating the Change from School to Industry - Workshops in this category will mainly focus on tangible career building skills, such as interviewing tips, the difference between a resume/CV, managing salary expectations, and developing your personal brand

Developing Skills for Early to Mid-Career Success - The goal of these sessions is to provide practical advice that will accelerate the development of LGBT+ talent in STEM. Some examples include strategic networking & mentorship, people leadership, analysis of industry trends, and continuing education.

Pathways to STEM as a non-STEM professional - There are a large number of ways to learn new technical skills, but these skills can also be translatable to different STEM fields. Workshops in this category will be from individuals that have either found a passion for STEM and entered from a different field, or have found another way to market their skillset in a different job setting.

DEI and Creating Inclusive Spaces at Work - This category highlights successful tips and initiatives that have been enacted at their company. Workshop will talk about best practices in talent acquisition and management, establishing and maintaining employee resource groups (ERGs), and what key factors future employees should be looking for when applying for jobs.

Other Relevant Topics - Interested in presenting something that doesn’t fit into one of these categories? That’s great! People don’t always fit neatly into a box so we don’t expect our programs to either. Feel free to submit a program that highlights STEM and queer populations in an industry setting.

Technical Spotlight

Presentations are required to fall within the following categories:

  1. (1) AI and Machine Learning
  2. (2) Research Study and Design in LGBT+ Populations
  3. (3) Sustainable Engineering

A description of each submission category is provided below:

AI and Machine Learning - There is a large push to include AI and Machine Learning across the STEM fields. Understanding how these can be applied to each field may be a daunting task and it is imperative to know the limitations of the technology being used. Programs that are submitted to this topic should be either case studies or an explanation of how big data can be used as a focal point for future studies. This may also include tutorial simulations or resources for individuals to explore beyond the conference.

Research Study and Design in Diverse Populations - Programs that are submitted in this category will discuss research themes and techniques to ensure that diverse populations are included in study design. Presentations will give practical knowledge on considerations and outcomes of different studies and how they have impacted different historically underrepresented populations and how the next generation of researchers can strive to be better.

Sustainable Engineering - There is a considerable movement to include sustainable design in future projects. Programs submitted in this topic will highlight how sustainability practices can be used in order to better your organization and highlight key efforts that are ongoing for renewable energy and the future of climate change.

2024 Proposal Components

The strongest proposals will highlight intersectionality between STEM and queer identities. Program selection for our conference is highly competitive. Please follow the guidelines that have been outlined in this document to improve your chances of being selected.

Your submission will be evaluated based on the following:

  • An engaging title and abstract
  • Value to the LGBTQIA+ STEM Community
  • Attendee Engagement
  • A breakdown of your program that outlines the questions / topics you will be addressing
  • Having experience and/or identity(ies) that support your program proposal

Please provide the following information (will not be used for evaluation):

  • Is this session closed to members of a specific community only? If so, please specify.
  • Please describe any additional technical services you may need.
  • The standard room set-up includes a projector, HDMI cord, screen, microphones, and a table.
  • For each presenter, please provide a name, contact information, and demographic information.
  • Content warnings as applicable (for more information, check out this resource from University of Michigan)

Your proposal must include the following components:

Proposal Components
Session Title
20 words max
- Identifies program topic and how this relates to the oSTEM mission
Abstract for Program Book
500 words max
- Provides a succinct description of the goals of the workshop and what participants will learn
What is the value of this workshop to the LGBTQ+ STEM Community?
500 words max
- Describes and justifies the workshop's value
- Establishes relevance to LGBTQ+ and STEM communities
- States: What makes this program unique to this conference?
Session Outline
500 words max
- Submits an outline of the presentation, approximating the amount of time spent on each question/topic, i.e., (20 minute talk on Topic X, 10 minutes of discussion, 10 minutes of questions, etc.)
Presenter identity & experience match the proposed topic
- Demonstrates a basis of knowledge and relevant personal experience for this proposed program
A photo showing three presenters from the 2022 conference speaking.

Benefits for Presenters

  • 50% registration discount for selected presenters. Each selected panel is limited to 4 presenter discount codes.
  • Add "Selected Talk for National Conference" to resume or CV
  • Gain additional public speaking experience
  • Increase visibility and networking opportunities with LGBTQ+ professionals and recruiters in STEM
  • Present on lived experiences and identities in addition to academic and professional development topics
  • Receive presenter acknowledgment in conference program book and on badge

Additional Info

For more information about the conference visit (Not published yet)

For more information about oSTEM visit

Note: If you are unable to access the submission form due to technical issues please contact prior to sending a document or email submission.

Please email our Conference Programming Committee at with any questions.

For inquiries regarding available conference accommodations or to request this document in an accessible format, please contact the accessibility team at